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Friends of Treasure Island was created to ensure that the magic of historic Treasure Island Camp (TIC) will be able to be experienced for untold thousands of campers in the future.
by E. Urner Goodman
By the river that surrounds thee
Rolling mile on mile
Neath the stars that shine above thee
Dear ole Treasure Isle
We who know thy woodland treasures
Pause in thought a while
Calling back to mind thy pleasures
Dear ole Treasure Isle
We have known the woods that grace thee
Traced thy meadows o’re
Learned the flowers that bloom upon thee
Watched the birds that soar
Often have your waters blessed us
Off the sun’s bright smile
Brought the touch of warmth and gladness
Dear ole Treasure Isle
Linger yet around the fire
Catch it’s last bright glow
Let us learn it’s ready message
Just before we go
Let the warmth of scout and brother
Dwell in rank and file
Still abiding when we leave thee
Dear ole Treasure Isle
The TI Spirit
Some years ago our island was shuttered
Tears were shed and words were uttered
The old guard rallied and formed FTI
Plans were made, save her they would try
Despite their best efforts the island was lost
Funds were not there to cover the cost
For years she sat closed and left there to rot
No campers upon her, no cars in the lot
Out of the blue emerged John and Dave
They came up with a plan so an offer they gave
News spread fast the island was sold
But scouts could return is what we were told
The brothers you see, are men with a vision
They enlisted FTI to assist with their mission
Three years later we work as a team
To support each groups efforts and fulfill all of our dreams
Scouts have returned you can see it and hear it
Awakened again has the TI Spirit!
By Steve Benckert
30 March 2021